1. Laws of Cricket
Except as varied hereunder, The Laws of Cricket as passed by the Marylebone Cricket Club (1980 – Second Edition 1991) including any Experimental Laws as adopted by the NSWCA will apply in all matches.
2. Competition Administration
The administration of the NRCC Junior Representative competition shall be undertaken by the NRCC host administration of that season.
3. Eligibility
Stacey Shield (U13’s) - player must be under the age of 13 as at 31st August in the year in which the competition commences.
Bell Shield (U14’s) - player must be under the age of 14 as at 31st August in the year in which the competition commences.
Fife Shield (U16’s) - player must be under the age of 16 as at 31st August in the year in which the competition commences.
All players must be registered with the association they are representing and must not be under any suspension.
4. Player Numbers
Each team shall have eleven (11) players, all listed in both scorebooks as batsmen prior to the commencement of the match. A 12th Man and a 13th Man are allowable as substitute players for fielding but may not bat or bowl.
To constitute a team, there must be a minimum of seven (7) players available to take the field at the scheduled start of play, otherwise a forfeit will be the match result.
In the event that both teams have twelve (12) players, should the team managers and captains be in agreeance, then twelve (12) players may participate in the match, all able to bowl and bat, though only eleven (11) may be in the field at any one time.
5. Duration of Play
(a) The matches will be of one day’s duration and will consist of one innings per team (ie; there shall be no second innings), with each innings being limited to :-
Fife Shield (U16’s) maximum 50 overs for each team
Bell Shield (U14’s) maximum 50 overs for each team
Stacey Shield (U13’s) maximum 40 overs for each team
(b) Play is to commence at 10.30 am on each match day. As the match is a limited overs game there shall be no time restraint on the finishing time of the match.
(c) If the team batting first is dismissed in less than its allotted overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to bat out its allotted overs. This is essential for calculation of ‘team average’ for positioning on the points table.
6. Drinks
Drinks breaks are at the discretion of the umpire of the match dependent on the weather conditions. Common sense should always prevail and be decided in consultation with team captains and team managers prior to the commencement of the match.
7. Lunch
Lunch shall be taken between innings and be of forty five (45) minutes duration.
8. Ball
A two piece Australian made leather ball shall be used in all age divisions. If a ball is lost, a ball of similar condition is to be substituted.
9. "No Ball" and "Wide" Rule
(a) Any ball that pitches off a synthetic surface is to be called a "no ball".
(b) Any ball which passes the batsman in his normal stance above waist high as a full toss will be called a "no ball". This will usually be called by the square leg umpire.
(c) Short pitched deliveries ("bouncers") are not allowable and if bowled shall be called a "no ball". A short pitch delivery is defined as one which bounces or would have bounced above the shoulder height of a batsman standing in his normal stance. This will usually be called by the square leg umpire.
(d) Any ball that bounces more than twice before reaching the batsman shall be called a "no ball" (NSWCA law 24.1).
(e) A "no ball" will add one (1) run to the score plus any other runs scored from that delivery.
(f) Any ball that pitches then deviates away out of the reach of the batsman such that he is unable to play at it shall be called a "wide" and will add one (1) run to the score.
(g) Any ball called a "no ball" or "wide" will be rebowled, however a maximum of eight (8) balls per over will apply whatever the delivery.
10. Bowling Limits
(a) Bowlers shall be restricted to a maximum of :-
Fife Shield (U16’s) - ten (10) overs per match, five (5) overs in any one spell
Bell Shield (U14’s) - ten (10) overs per match, five (5) overs in any one spell
Stacey Shield (U13’s) - six (6) overs per match, four (4) overs in any one spell
(b) Each bowler is to have a break between bowling spells consisting of no less than double the number of overs bowled in his previous spell; eg; if bowled a five over spell then break must be ten overs; etc.
(c) In the event of a bowler being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be bowled by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as a full over insofar as each bowler’s limit is concerned. The part over cannot be bowled by the bowler completing the previous over or the bowler who intends to bowl the next over.
11. Batting Limits
(a) A batsman shall retire immediately following the scoring stroke that takes him to or past the batting limit of :-
Fife Shield (U16’s) no limit
Bell Shield (U14’s) no limit
Stacey Shield (U13’s) 50 runs
(b) A batsman who retires hurt, may return to the crease at any time during the innings following the fall of a wicket or a mandatory batting retirement.
(c) In the U13 Stacey Shield, a retired batsman may resume his innings after the fall of the last wicket, in retirement order. A batsman not returning to the crease after mandatory retirement shall be deemed "not out" in the scorebook and on the result's sheet.
(d) In the U13 Stacey Shield, a batsman who voluntary retires earlier than the batting limit specified in (a) above shall not be allowed to return to the crease and will be deemed as "out" in the scorebook and on the results sheet for the purposes of points calculations.
(e) In the U13 Stacey Shield, if the team batting second has already passed the opposition total score and has already won the match, then retired batsmen cannot return to resume their innings following the fall of the last wicket but they shall remain "not out" in the scorebook.
12. LBW's
LBW's shall be part of the NRCC Junior Representative competition and in the event of a non badged umpire being in charge of the match, that person(s) shall be aware of the rules of the cricket in relation to LBW's and the criteria for the dismissal to be awarded.
13. Fielding
No player will be allowed to field closer than half a pitch (ie; approx 10 metres) from forward of the popping crease.
14. Wickets
Where possible the home team will schedule the match for play on the best available pitch, preferably a turf wicket. In the event of wet weather, the match may be rescheduled for a synthetic wicket.
15. Washouts
If a competition game is washed out then the result will be scored as draw. Please note that a result sheet must still be submitted marked as "washout".
16. Weather Interrupted Matches
If a competition match is interrupted by bad weather, the number of overs per innings may be reduced by mutual consent of both team managers. A minimum of thirty (30) overs must be completed by both sides to constitute a match, otherwise a washout will be declared.
In an overs reduced game, each side is entitled to receive an equal number of overs.
17. Umpires
The home team shall be responsible for providing a registered umpire for each match. Each team shall provide a senior official to act as square leg umpire for one innings each.
18. Equipment
The home team shall provide :- Both sets of stumps and sufficient boundary markers to mark the whole ground (if not fenced).
Each team shall provide :-
1 x scorer and scoring book
1 x match ball for their fielding innings
1 x senior official to act as square leg umpire
19. Results
Results of matches should be recorded on the official competition result sheets and faxed or mailed to competition recorder by Tuesday following the match.
20. Points Allocation
(a) Win - 4 points
Loss - 1 points
Draw/Tie - 2 points
Forfeits - 0 points
(b) In the event of any age division having a bye, the team having the bye shall receive two (2) points and their team average will not be changed.
(c) The points table shall also record the ‘team average’ for the purpose of separating those teams equal on table points. The team higher on the table shall be the one with the better ‘team average’. This shall be calculated for each match as :-
(i) Dividing total runs scored by total wickets lost = batting average
(ii) Dividing total runs scored against by total wickets taken = bowling average
(iii) Dividing batting average by the bowling average = team average
(d) Wickets taken or wickets lost only refers to dismissals and ‘retired outs’, it does not include mandatory batting retirements.
(e) The ‘team average’ shown on the points table shall be the average of all matches played; ie; the ‘team average’ for each match is added together and divided by the number of matches played.
21. Protests
All protests must be in writing and reach the NRCC Secretary within four (4) days of the disputed match. The match should be completed and the dispute documented on the reverse side of the scoresheet.
22. Coaching
No coaching shall be permitted from the boundary or from a person acting as umpire or square leg during the match. Coaching is permitted during normal drinks and lunch breaks.
23. Finals
Finals will be contested in each age division with 1st versus 2nd with the team completing the season on top of the points table hosting the final.
24. Eligibility for finals
To be eligible to play in the finals, a player must have competed in three (3) matches in this representative competition throughout the season. Any player requesting exemption from this rule must apply in writing to the competition administration explaining why an exemption should be granted.
25. Protective Equipment
All players are recommended to wear any and all protective equipment available with special emphasis on helmets. This recommendation also extends to broad brimmed hats and sunscreen.
26. Clothing
All players must wear traditional white cricket attire. The umpire(s) shall have the right to dismiss any player from the field of play if they are incorrectly attired. Sponsors logos are permitted on playing shirts.
27. Player Behaviour
It is desired that all players be taught and encouraged to observe at all times the ethics of the game. Any attempt at gamesmanship and time wasting are to be stopped immediately.
28. Sledging
While competitive matches, this competition is inter-association and the aim is provide cricket for the players and teach them the ethics of the game. While commentary between players in a fielding side such as "knock his castle over" and "lets send him back where he came from" are acceptable; any derogatory or abusive comments ("sledging") by either batting or fielding players will not be tolerated. The umpire shall send that player from the field for the duration of the match.
29. Catering
Due to the cost and work involved, each team shall be expected to provide their own lunch and drinks.